Presentations (slides)


Bitcoin in 5 minutes

[TCYP] GameStop, Crypto & Investing 101, April 20, 2021 (Virtual)

A quick primer on Bitcoin.

Death Of the Old Guard

7th Annual Hackers Congress @ Paralelni Polis, October 3, 2020 in Prague, CZ

The talk I gave at #HCPP20 - Digital Totality exploring power dynamics and structures employed by the ruling class.


@ PlebSec Security Congress, September 5, 2020 (Virtual)

The talk I gave at #PlebSec exploring leadership principles to help you navigate through chaos.

Dark Big Data

@ Dark Futures 6, December 5, 2018 in Vancouver, Canada

My presentation at Dark Futures 6 exploring the dark side of big data.

AI, Beyond Good and Evil

@ DWX | Developer Week and SmartData, June 26, 2018 in Nuremburg, Germany

This talk explores the hypothesis: Is embodiment a necessary precondition of having a mind?. While intelligent systems capable of independently thinking and reasoning may be far in the future all it takes is one step outside the constraints of a problem set for intelligence to develop. By comparing and contrasting how humans think and how synthetic intelligence may develop this talk will inspire and challenge your thinking around AI.